It’s a matter of personal choice. Some of our scartists have represented all of their scars on one canvas or have chosen to come to multiple classes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don't have artistic ability?
ScART (or “Scar Art”) is an abstract painting process where color theory and simple yet powerful painting techniques will be integrated to create a powerful, unique painting. Even if you’ve never painted before, class instructors will guide the class through the process of sketching the scar(s) on canvas, applying the modeling paste to represent scars unique markings, and to choosing just the right color palette to evoke the feelings you want to express. Simple brush strokes will be demonstrated for putting color on your painting. Remember – this is a unique and powerful experience where the PROCESS of seeing your scars turned into works of art is more significant than the PRODUCT, or actual artwork. Although the final product will be beautiful and meaningful, the shared experience and strong sensory memory you are creating with fellow scar bearers is even MORE important. Women, who can be hard on themselves, are given the freedom to transform their scars into something beautiful. The process allows for an open mind and the support of a community of other people who have experienced something similar.
What do I wear?
Wear casual, comfortable clothes. We recommend a short sleeve top or one where sleeves can be easily pushed or rolled up. If you are painting at home and have a painter's smock or apron, feel free to wear that. If painting at a studio, most studios will provide painter's smocks. We recommend that you inquire with your instructor prior to the studio class.
I don't have physical scars. Can I still participate?
Yes! Many participants do not have surgical scars but experienced a traumatic health event just the same. In the homework, try to identify where your emotional or psychological scars are located and proceed from there. Many participants have depicted their internal scars quite effectively on the canvas.
Can I bring a friend/loved one for support?
Some participants may initially think they might be more comfortable with someone there, but you may find that bonding with the other participants over such an intimate experience will give you the support you need. There are a limited number of seats available for each ScART class and studio space is limited to participants who have reserved a seat in advance. Please encourage your care-giver or significant support person to register and participate with you in the class.
Will I have the opportunity to have my ScARTwork displayed at a community event?
Occasionally, ScARTists will be able to participate in a gallery showing. When this opportunity arises, our team will notify you.
What if I want to maintain contact with my fellow ScARTists after the event is over?
There are a couple of opportunities to do this:
- Like and participate in our Facebook Page: @ScartEvents
- Like and participate in our Instagram Page: @ScartEvents
- Join our National Sisterhood: (free membership will be offered to all ScART participants)
I have more than one scar. Do I paint them all?
Can I draw my scars in any pattern that I want, or do I have to paint them on the canvas the same way that they look like on my body?
You can choose where to put the mud (similar to a modeling paste) used to depict your scars on the canvas. They do not have to correlate with the same places on your body. There are no hard and fast rules!
Will the class be all women?
Not necessarily. The staff won’t know until all spots have been filled who the participants will be. If you’d like to be in a women only class, please discuss that with a representative from the ScART team to see if your request can be arranged.
Do I have to complete all of the homework prior to the class?
Some of the homework -- such as the meditation -- is optional. All of the worksheets are mandatory. It is up to you how much time you spend, but taking time to finish the coursework (without being rushed) has incredible benefits.